American born artist Rose Masterpol has worked for three decades as a contemporary abstract painter. Her work is distinctive and ever-evolving because of her vast array of interests & hobbies. From poetry to her musical abilities, graphic design career to sculpture and landscape photography, all feed her creativity into painting in a series format. Masterpol's work is the language of non-objective, organic and pure painting. Her work consists of abstract shapes, lines, instinct, intuition made from either acrylic or oil on large canvases. She is larger than life as are her works. Often poetic with unrivaled breadth and depth, always strong and boldly colored-the work is uncanny and perfectly balanced. Her technical approach changes to the mood and flow of the next thing that emerges on a new canvas at any given time. Her abstractions stream from De Stijl to Fauvism to expressionism to the pure abstract realm. Masterpol's inspiration since a child has been from the New York school of painters, Pollock, de Kooning, Kline and Motherwell, to name a few.

Masterpol is self-taught which lends to a naked, and raw untainted work of art. There are no limitations for her allowing her work to constantly progress. She graduated from CalArts with a BFA in graphic design and has worked in many AD agencies in Los Angeles. Today she is working as a full-time painter. And while painting, she always has a camera in her hands ready for the next great shot. Her worked is collected all over the world and is represented in New York along with many other galleries across the united States.


California Institute of the Arts, CA (BFA)
Syracuse University, NY - Graphic Design/Illustration
Onondaga Comm. College, NY (AAS)  - Fine Arts


2023 / Sept 1-17th / Reception 5-7pm NUART Gallery • Santa Fe 

2022 / Sept 23rd / Reception 5-7pm NUART Gallery • Santa Fe

2021 / August 20th Reception 5-7pm  Nuart Gallery "Patterns of Expression"

2020/Sept. 11th  [noon - 5pm] Nüart Gallery, Santa Fe "The Language of Shape"
2019/January  Cheryl Hazan Contemporary, NYC "Algo Rhythms"
2017/June Victory Contemporary, Santa FE NM "Saints + Sinners"
2015/July Kobalt Gallery, Provincetown, MA "Dogmata"
2014/March  Artamo Gallery, Santa Barbara, CA,   "WHITE"
2012/June Hadid Gallery, Los Angeles, CA "Deliberate and Unintentional"
2012/May  Artamo Gallery, Santa Barbara, CA, 1"Emoticon"
2011/April Artamo Gallery, Santa Barbara, CA, "Catharsis"
2011/Aug Artiste Winery & Gallery, Los Olivos, Ca (exhibited my art/ my work on label)
2006/Nov Deja Design Gallery, Los Angeles, CA  "Architecture with Paint"
2004/March ARTFront, Los Angeles, CA  "Essence"
2002/Nov LA Brewery Art Walk, Los Angeles, CA
2000/April LA Brewery Art Walk,Los Angeles, CA
1999/Nov LA Brewery Art Walk, Los Angeles, CA
1995/July BOVA Gallery, Los Angeles, CA  "Summer Color"


2025 / NUART R-E-D Show / Feb 14th - March 2 / Santa Fe, NM

2025 / NUART Wibter Selection group show Jan 24-feb 3 / Santa Fe, NM

2025 / January January 31, 2025 EXPLORING ABSTRACTION / West Palm Beach FL

Join us for a cocktail reception from 3:00-6:00

2024 / Sept. 7th /  NUART / GEOMETRIC DIALOGIES / Bergamot Station , LA

2024 / September 6 / Cheryl Hazan / PRESENT ANTICIPATION

2024 January / Cheryl Hazan / NYC / Winter Selection

2023 / March 31 / NYC - Cheryl Hazan Gallery is pleased to present "Last Chance"

2023 / FEB   R-E-D   A Group Exhibition / 10 - 19 February   / opening 2/10   5-7pm

2022 Sept 9th / Cheryl Hazan Gallery NYC "Absence & Presence" 6-8

2022 April  23rd/ Cheryl Hazan Gallery NYC "OUT THERE" 6-9pm

2022 Feb 11th - 22 / Nuart Gallery / "THE RED SHOW" The Color of Love

2022/Feb 10- March 6 / Cheryl Hazan Gallery "SPACE SHAPE"

2021/August Nuart Gallery, Santa Fe "Rose masterpol + Sunny Tylor"
2021/ February Nuart Gallery, Santa Fe NM "THE RED SHOW" Exhibition 2021"

2019/Novemeber Nuart Gallery, Santa Fe NM "Abstraction Exhibition 2019"
2018/September Buckhead Art & Company, Atlanta Georgia "Black & White"
2018/May Buckhead Art & Company, Atlanta Georgia  "ARTISTS ALIGN"
2018/Feb Wallspace LA  - Art Palm Springs - Premier Art Fair Wallspace LA
2018/Jan Glave Kocen Gallery, "Size Doesn't Matter 11"
2017/July Wallspace LA, Los Angeles, CA  "Sizzle"
2017/June Kocen Glave Gallery, Richmond VA "One Hit Wonder"
2016/August Kobalt Gallery Provincetown, Massachusetts "In This Together"
2016/July Janine Contemporary Industri "New Identity" Santa Fe, NM
2015/Dec. ARTAMO Gallery, Santa Barbara "MASTERPOL & GYÖRFI: IN CONTRAST"
2015/Dec. Miami Spectrum - Artblend                                                                                        
2015/Oct. Cambridge City Art Fair - UK                                                                                     
2015/August Kobalt Gallery, Provincetown, MA "Kobalt Celebrates 10 Seasons"
2015/July Artamo Gallery, Santa Barbara, CA  "Artamo Summer Exhibit"
2015/June Affordable Art Fair in Hampstead Heath, London
2015/May Kobalt Gallery, Provincetown, MA  "Twenty Fifteen Season Preview"
2015/April Glave Kocen Gallery, Richmond VA "Natural Surroundings"
2015/March Battersea AAF (London)
2014/August  Kristin Johnson Fine Art, Santa Fe, NM  "EQUUS ANNUM"
2014/August  Artamo Gallery, Santa Barbara, CA  "Summer Mix"
2014/Jan. Artamo Gallery, Santa Barbara, CA,  "Into a New Year"
2013/Sept. Ian Ross Gallery, San Francisco, CA, "Urban Influences in Contemporary Art"
2013/Oct. O Gallery,  San Jose del Cabo, BCS  "The O Show"
2013/March  Factory West Gallery, Red Bull Curates "Canvas Cooler Los Angeles"
2013/March Broadway Art Space, Santa Monica, CA "WOMEN MAKE THE WORLD GO ROUND"
2013/March Artamo Gallery , Santa Barbara, CA, "ARSGEOMETRICA"
2012/Dec Red Dot Miami, FL with Pippin Gallery
2012/Aug Pippin Contemporary  Santa Fe  "What's this Journey all about"
2012/July Artamo Gallery, Santa Barbara, CA,  "Summer Mix"
2011/June  Gallery 825, Los Angeles, CA   "Out There"
2011/April Create Fixate, LA  - DTWN LA  "Liberate Your perception"
2011/April  The Advocate & Gochis Galleries, Los Angels, CA  2-woman show  "Raw Sophistication"
2011/Nov Eagle Rock Center for the Arts, Los Angeles, CA "Form vs. The Abyss" 2-woman show
2009/April Art Dimensions Gallery, Westwood, CA
2009/Dec  Gallery 1018 -  DTWN LA
2009/WallSpace, Los Angels, CA
2009/Aug. City of BREA Art Gallery, Brea, CA "For love or Money"
2009/Spring Arts Collective,  Los Angeles, CA
2007/Farmini Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
2007/Aug  The Whole 9 Gallery, Culver city  "Women Rock"
2005/January  The Solaris Gallery,  A Don O'Malvey gallery W. Hollywood, CA  "Electric Art Show"
2004/June Track 16 Gallery/Bergamot Station, LA  "Hollywood Bowl Frank Gehry Sphere Art Project"
2003/Desert Art Source Gallery, Palm Springs  - represented by gallery - Palm Desert, CA
2001/Oct. BGH Gallery/Bergamot Station LA - Fundraiser for 911-one night event  "Art Heals"
1994/Downtown Arts Development Association "DADA Downtown Lives 94", LA
1992/Out of Darkness Gallery, Long Beach CA
1991/CALARTS Main Gallery, Valencia, CA  "Raw"  2-person show
1990/July Double K Gallery,  Los Angeles, CA
1989/May Mothra Gallery, Columbus Ohio  "Wrapped in Black"

2007/Nov Palm Springs Museum, "Artists Council 39th National Juried Exhibition"

2012 American Express Commercial (Azizi Ansari)
2012 Budweiser - Eternal Optimism Super Bowl
2011 Rules of Engagement (tv show)
2012 Two and a Half Men (tv show)
2011 Time Warner Cable Commercial
2011 Old Spice Commercial
2010 Apple Commercial
2010 Charter Communications Commercial
2007 "Ocean's 13" (2 paintings featured)
2004 Lexus Advertisement (print ad)
2004 AT&T Commercial
2002 Bernie Mac show
2001 New Dramatic Series (TV) "HMO"
1992 Art-House Film "The Pros & Cons of Breathing" - By Robert Munich